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Our 5-Star Services

Serviced in different forms

What support can my child receive?

Get the support your child needs

A child diagnosed with ASD is entitled to certain services covered by Health Insurance. The child may also be eligible for services by the local department of education.

African american student and paraprofessional studying together

at School

Support in the classroom, during activities, and difficult transitional times such as lunch and recess

Woman playing blocks with a toddler

at Home

We bring our expertise to the environment where the client is most comfortable— their home

Group of three children with male adult supervision

with Social Groups

Social skill development, enhancing social abilities and peer relationships in a supportive environment

Woman helping a young girl at a play center

Center Activities

Our centers serve as the hub for services, offering a conducive environment for home and social group services

Early intervention can change a life.

Research shows that quality early interention can vastly improve learning, communication and social skills, as well as development

There is no greater feeling than being understood

- Dr. Stanley Greenspan